About us

Philosophy of our school is based on respect towards yourself, respect for others and the world in general. It is based on tolerance, understanding and comprehension of different cultures, languages, religions, therefore on mutual respect.

Vision of the school: We’re creating a welcoming world.

Introduction to the school

  • HAPPY CHILD s.r.o. Kindergarten is a vegetarian kindergarten, which has been operating since September 1st 2007 and at that time, it was the only vegetarian kindergarten in Central Europe.

  • The school focuses on their program on healthy nutrition - we provide children with a balanced lactovegetarian diet and for those who are interested, we offer vegan food as well.

  • HAPPY CHILD s.r.o. Kindergarten is an open kindergarten, where children of different cultures, different ethnicities and different religions, with different mother tongues, can meet.

  • It is a place of cultural interference, where different languages, religions and civilizations are intertwining, which is reflected in the events and programs that the school prepares for children.

  • The school offers an educational program in Czech, English and French.

  • Language education is provided by native speakers.

  • We also offer the possibility of combining education in two language classes, for ex. three days in a Czech class and two days in English class.

  • We take care of children with a different mother tongue and pay them special attention.

  • We respect the individual abilities and needs of the child, we use various methods and forms of work. And in order to achieve this goal, the capacity of each kindergarten class is limited to a maximum of 12 children per class.

  • We support a healthy lifestyle, respect for life and the environment, we pay great attention to ecology and respect for nature.

  • We offer Baby studio services for children from 1 year of age/1 year old.

Our mission/goal

  • Be part of an educational system in which we offer a non-standard educational environment, multicultural education with concentration specialization on languages, a vegetarian diet, with a personal, individual approach, and a low number of children in the classroom.

  • Create a healthy environment and promote/support the partnership between the child, the teacher and the family.

  • To be a place where children, employees and parents can feel accepted, feel safe, a place where it is possible to develop and realize one’s own full potential, to discover the context of life and the world, to make an effort and therefore create - create a friendly, kind world.

  • To give child the possibility/ to enable the child to live his childhood to the fullest, in an inspiring and rich environment, to accompany/support him in discovering the world and himself as a human being, to help him develop his physical, mental, social and spiritual area/self, help him realize his abilities and possibilities with gained experience, teach him to experience the joy of one’s own creativity,creativeness creative power and prepare him for the future and primary school.

What do we mean by “a child prepared for school”?

What do we mean by preparing and organizing the educational program, activities, space layout, class rules and mutual communication? We teach the child, that will one day leave our kindergarten and enter upon for school/commence primary school, to be in his age:

  • comprehensively and versatilely educated, to have a certain knowledge and understanding and perceive the world in context, to communicate and understand the language in which he was educated

  • polite and cultivated - be able to use commonly used courtesy/polite norms, good manners and rules of behaviour

  • independent - be able to take care of one’s needs, things, duties, obligations

  • responsible - towards their goals, tasks, responsibilities, aware of the consequences of his decisions and behavior

  • caring - be able to perceive/feel the dimension/value of help and taking action to do something good for others, voluntary decision for a good deed,

  • to be honest and direct

  • tenacious, strong and resilient - be able to persist and not give up, also to not be afraid to make a mistake, because we’re learning through/by making mistakes

  • not afraid of being creative and innovative, be able to come out of his comfort zone

  • organized - he has learned how to work with his time and he knows how to manage it.

For applicants

Completed and signed forms submit at the school office during office hours Tue and Thu (12:30pm–4:30pm), or send them via the 6u6khpq data box.

School Information

HAPPY CHILD s.r.o. Kindergarten

ADDRESS: Jana Masaryka 627/31, Královské Vinohrady, Praha 2, 120 00

FOUNDER: Mgr. Savitri Braunová

ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGING COMPANY: Správa nemovitostí Praha 2 (Real Estate Administration, Asset Management Prague 2)

IČO (company identification number): 276 13 968

IZO: 661102319

RED_IZO: 661102319

DATA BOX: 6u6khpq

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1970767389/0800

LEGAL FORM/STATUS: private school accredited by MŠMT (the Ministry of Education), Company with limited liability

CURRICULUM TEACHING DOCUMENT: School educational program for preschool education “We’re creating a welcoming/kind/friendly world”.

SCHOOL DIRECTOR: Mgr. Savitri Braunová

DEPUTY HEADMISTRESS: Mgr. Monika Vagenknechtová

Projects co-financed by European Union

Operational program JAK, call no. 02_22_002, named Kindergarten Happy Child 002. Project registration number: CZ.02.02.XX/00/22_002/0007613. The goal of the project is personnel support – a bilingual kindergarten assistant, education of workers in kindergarten education and support for children with a different mother tongue in kindergarten. The project is implemented from September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2025.

Poster with details

Operational program PPR - call No. 48 “Modernization of Happy Child Kindergarten to support the polytechnic education of children”, registration number: CZ.07.4.67/0.0/0.0/19_073/0002248. The project deals with the support of polytechnic teaching and EVVO and the improvement of the conditions for pedagogical activities in the Happy Child Kindergarten by purchasing an outdoor classroom, furniture and didactic aids for the development of polytechnic skills and key competences of children. Implementation of the project will contribute to ensuring quality education, strengthen the development of polytechnics and EVVO, support equal access to education for all children (including SVP).P The project is implemented from September 1, 2022 to October 31, 2023

Poster with details

As part of the call for a grant from the National Recovery Plan to support equipping schools with digital teaching utilities and based on Decision No. MŠMT-17384/2022, the school gets financial support for equipment with digital utilities.

We are digitizing the school

PPR Operational Program - Call No. 58 SC 4.2 - Improving the quality of education through strengthening inclusion in a multicultural society. In the period 1.10. 2021 to 31.3. In 2023, we implement the project Program for the Inclusion of Children with Different Mother Languages.

The project is aimed at supporting the school in the preparation and introduction of measures for the integration of children with a different mother tongue. The goal of the project is the creation of a school handbook and its verification for the inclusion of children and pupils with a different mother tongue. Financial support from the European Union is provided for this project.


Poster with details

Operational program OP PPR – Invitation/appeal No. 54 Integration and support of students with different mother tongue II

In the period from 1st of September 2020 to 31 August 2022, we are implementing the Multicultural Education project in the HAPPY CHILD II kindergarten. The project is focused on a combination of the following topics:

  • personnel support of schools - bilingual teaching assistant
  • community activities and support for an inclusive school environment: two community-educational meetings with the public and parents, four professionally focused meetings with parents The project is co-financed by the EU


Poster with details

Operational program OP VVV – Call/appeal No. 02_20_081 for Templates III – VRR in Priority preferred Axis 3 of the OP

In the period from 1st of October 2020 to 30 of September 2022, we are implementing the HAPPY CHILD 81 kindergarten project.

Poster with details

Operational program OP VVV – Appeal No. 02_16_023 for Support of Schools in the Form of Simplified Reporting/Accounting Projects - Templates for Kindergartens and Primary Schools of Prague in Priority Axis 3 of the OP

In the period from 1st of May 2017 to 28 February 2019, the HAPPY CHILD 23 kindergarten project was implemented.

We work together

Czech vegetarian society ZŠ Londýnská Vegetarian Zelena school Yoga in Daily Life MS Revolucni Vychova k cnostem SAGY-PHOTO Se Sokolem do života Městská část Prahy 2 Albi